Can you do a PhD at a different university to your MPhil?


I'm considering doing an MPhil at Sussex, with a view to going to a PhD - but because I will not be able to self-fund a PhD, where I do it will depend on what scholarships/support is around (which may not be possible at Sussex). Can you take your Mphil outline from one Uni and pursue the full PhD at another one if necessary? Does an MPhil 'stand-alone' as an academic achievement?
No-one seems to me be able to give me a simple answer to this one! Any advice would be so much appreciated,


The problem is an MPhil is also the award that is given to PhD students who dont quite make the cut to progress to their second year. So, you would have a problem trying to convince future employers its not a "failed" PhD. Its often what you will enrol on as you start a PhD before they truly classify you as a PhD student, especially if its a 4 year course.


ta, much appreciated!


Hey Mambo Number 5, not always - some Universities only offer MPhils and not MSc's etc...


XD Mambo No 5... makes me sound like the fifth clone of myself! XD