Clinical or Human Nutrition??


Hi, i originally applied for Msc Dietetics in Ulster and Glasgow. Unfortunately I didnt get into these however they have offered me Clinical Nutrition in Glasgow and Human Nutrition in Ulster..I think i have decided on staying at home and studying at Ulster, and from discussions has encouraged me iv made the right choice. However my main worry is the job prospects after? I have been trying to research Nutritionist jobs, but there isnt much out there??
Confused and worried??
Any help out there...........


Hi bhiggs, try looking on for jobs in your desired field. Jobs are put on all the time so you could sign up to the newsletter so any new jobs in your field will be emailed to you directly. Good luck with your studies! Danielle


Hi, i have an unconditional offer from University of Glasgow, have somenone had any degree there? is it a good university?