Contact with Supervisor


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I am roughly seven weeks away from a submission deadline. I've had minimal contact with my supervisor (two emails with extremely brief, if encouraging comments). I have sent him three chapter drafts so far, the last of which he has not commented upon, even though he received it over three weeks ago.

Contact with him has been discouraged, so I am waiting in anguished silence and trying to maintain a respectful distance.

This is extremely frustrating. In spite of his encouraging words, I have received no advice so far. By the time that he offers it, my deadline will be, I imagine, significantly closer.

Given his vast wealth of supervisory experience, I am wondering if this is standard practice?

I am tempted to be idealistic and imagine that he has much faith in me, but I dread a situation where I receive a grade that falls short of my standards.

Given his eminence both inside and outside my institution, I feel totally powerless.