failed 2 modules in masters course!!


i failed 2 modules in my masters course. got 46 and 43 marks resit attempts are over. but i passed my dissertation so i'm eligible for a PGdip as i received 150 credits out of 180. so now its done and dusted but now the key question is WILL I GETJOB anywhere?? or am i doomed. it was a bad year for me and it affected my masters grades eventually . im an international student and it was not possible for me to take time off as my visa would have had expired if i was not able complete my course in time. please advice me will i get a job as i have received a PGdip? and if they see my transcripts i have 2 modules failed what should i say? PLEASE ADVISE ME!!


Hi Mercury
What kind of job are you looking for? There are plenty of jobs that don't require postgraduate qualifications, and your PGDip may help you to have an edge over applicants who just have an undergraduate degree. Unless you are talking about academic jobs, it is unlikely that most employers will want to see an academic transcript - your PGDip certificate will be enough. It really depends on your field and the type of job you're looking for.


Can you resit the failed modules? It would seem a shame to have passed the dissertation and then not be able to claim the full masters degree after all your hard work.

To answer your question, a pgdip is still a very respectable achievement and unless you want a career in a university specifically, you are still in a good position to be able to call it a day by taking the pgdip and feeling proud of that.

Think about what would frustrate you more in the long run maybe: taking the pgdip and not having the extra stress and cost vs wondering if you could have gone all the way to a full masters.