Msc in University of Chester


======= Date Modified 27 Mar 2011 05:05:52 =======
Hi, I am Hadi from Indonesia. I am planning to take Master in Biomedical at University of Chester, UK. I just wondering how much living expenses in Chester ? As I read on some article in internet, some say expensive and some say cheap. I also would like to ask whether I can support my study by working part-time in Chester. Thank you


Hi Hadi

Living in Chester is usually a lot less expensive than living somewhere like London.  Like any place, there are some expensive lodgings and some cheaper ones. You have to investigate before signing up for any rental contract.  The University probably has a list of approved landlords and landladys.

It's a lovely little city. It has usually been a busy one too, since the days of the Roman Empire!
There should be scope for part time work.  There are many pubs, hotels, bars etc. It is a major tourist city in the North West.  You just have to be flexible in the kinds of part time you can do. Also check out the wage rates.


Angelette  8-)


Hi Hadi,

Chester is lovely but for Northern England quite an expensive place to live (but much much cheaper than the southeast / London). You will find that some areas of the town are much cheaper to rent in (but not as nice) than others. If you are willing to travel, some of the surrounding towns eg Warrington are cheap to live in but then you would have to budget for train fares. I would not personally rely on being able to find part-time work. Unemployment in the UK is very high at the moment (20% for young people nationally) and while Chester is much less troubled by this than many places in the Northwest, it is still quite hard to get any jobs.