Need advice for my dissertation


I am currently doing my Masters in Accounting and I am in the process of writing a dissertation.
My topic is about assessing work/life balance for Partners in the Public Practice. I have had good feedback from the Partners I am interviewing and somehow have an idea how my findings should come about.
My Problem is that it is a unique perspective with not much literature on it, there is lit on WLB but on this perspective it is slightly limited. My tutor advised me to take this perspective and has contributed an interesting angle. However I am struggling with my introduction chapter!! I want to write about WLB issues and I'd like to integrate it in accounting etc but for Partners I am struggling and im worried that I might have to scrap the idea after all the work and thinking etc.
Is there a way on how to introduce a dissertation of a unresearched area?

Please help :(


Hello, I'm not in your field, but for my undergraduate dissertation I had to draw on literature from several related fields to make a case for my study. It was coherent in the end. If you could never do research because an area is underresearch then no research would ever have been done! You could always ask your sup for advice on the reading/areas to draw on in writing your introduction.
Hope this helps.


I am going to be pedantic here, unique means one of a kind and then you say "not much literature" so there is some :)

Sounds like you have a good subject if it is unresearched. I am sure there is a lot written on WLB you now have to apply your perspective to it. My advice would be to decide what aspect you are going to focus on, it's very easy to bite off a lot. That will tell you what you plan to not investigate. So your introduction chapter is nearly complete - why you chose this, what specifcs you intend to research and what you have discounted.