Topics for master dissertation - MBA, major in Food Innovation


I am in need for some topic inspiration for my upcoming thesis dissertation. I am studying at the Agricultural University of Sweden, at a master's program called 'Food Innovation and Market'. Once graduated, my degree will be a MBA with a major in Food Science/Innovation. The program is especially geared towards SUSTAINABLE food innovation.

Now, my university does not provide any assistance when it comes to thesis topics; this we have to figure out on our own. We are required to send in a topic proposal a few weeks prior to the course start and just hope for the best that our topic will be approved.
Due to the uniqueness of my program, I am having a bit of trouble to figure out a topic that will be valid in the eyes of my supervisor.

I would deeply appreciate any advice! These are a few of the areas I've been considering so far (which are basically just mainstream business topics focused on the food sector):

* Does a sustainability focus enhance corporate reputation in the food industry? A case study of….
* An assessment of sustainable competitive advantage within the European/Swedish food industry
* What are the effects of leadership style and team process on performance and innovation in the food industry?
* How does a company lead in a way that generates successful innovation within the food industry?

However, as I am currently living in Taiwan studying Chinese Mandarin, I'd actually love to be able to focus my topic on some kind of comparison between Taiwan and Sweden...


Hi hajnor, this is a trciky one for people to advise you on, as it's so specific!

Can anyone advise on how they narrorwed down their options for their dissertation?