What kind of social life can an MFA student expect?


Hello all,

My postgraduate life starts the day after tomorrow. I stayed at home while doing my BFA, and worked for two years after that - again, staying home, but I will be moving to Oxford to do my MFA in Film Studies at Oxford Brookes; which will be my first ever "big move".

I never really had the full "university experience", due to the fact that I stayed at home and mostly hung out with old secondary school pals, but in a way I'm only half annoyed that I did. I detest night clubs, and the idea of staying out until 2 am or falling home drunk is like my idea of hell on earth. That isn't to say I don't enjoy being social, I just prefer quieter pub/restaurant/cafe/theatre socials. Lets just say I'm more geekily inclined to find fun shopping for books/comics/films and having a cup of tea than dancing, and while I'm not quite a teetotaler, I can count the amount of drinks I have a year on two hands.

Now, before people tell me, I realise that not all socials are like that, and that all universities have their cliques, societies, niches and groups, one of which I'm sure I would have fitted into had I tried. That's why I said "half" annoyed, and the half of me that wishes to find a cool society and looking forward to meeting new people.

I am just wondering, what kind of social life can I expect as a postgrad? I know with money being tighter, harder work and older students things won't be the same as an undergraduate's social life, but is it still fun?

Thanks for reading my incessant ramblings!


Like you, I didn't really have a typical undergrad experience as I never lived in halls.

I've really enjoyed coming back to study after a few years of work because I have enjoyed student life.

There are postgrad societies to join but I didn't bother because to me it was still too much like undergrad.

Most of the social stuff in my department does revolve around alcohol but more in the way of pubs, not night clubs. People don't tend to get crazily drunk either. It's all very civilized. I think you'll find like-minded people eventually, especially if you go along to every event first, even if it's just to prove you don't like it. It took me a while, but I found some people I have really clicked with and it makes the postgrad experience all the sweeter.


"Most of the social stuff in my department does revolve around alcohol but more in the way of pubs, not night clubs. People don't tend to get crazily drunk either. It's all very civilised."

That's cool. To clarify, I don't have problems with others drinking or being drunk. My problem with nightclubs are the places, not the people.

Sounds like I'll have fun.