which university offers the MSc in telecommunications?


I am recent graduate of B.Tech(electrical and electronics)Engineering from one of the best college in india with distinction percentage. Currently, i am working as a communication Engineer in Packet switching Domain in Tashi Telecomm in Bhutan,which is one of the newly establishing company. our company is new and i have started working from initial stage of installation of equipments.
i have a great interest to pursue my further studies in telecommunication. so i look hereby you all beloved friends and professor to kindly guide me to find the university and funding.
i remain herewith anticipation and respect please.


No professors read this forum. We're all students. For courses see http://www.findamasters.com/search/search.asp and Google. Funding opportunities for foreign students (in the UK) at Masters level are practically non-existent. You'd be best advised to look for funding from your own country.


thank you very much. can you please help me to find the unversities which provides scholarship.


I have absolutely no idea which UK universities provide scholarships to Overseas students in your field. To be honest I would be surprised if any did. UK Universities see overseas students as a source of revenue and typically do not fund them. Good luck with your search.


is it. so what do u do? and where r u from?


Good luck with your search.