i'm looking for a master



I will be graduated in few days in Italy.
I'm looking for a Master in Marketing.
I'm not sure which is the best solution for me. In few days I will do the IELTS exam.
I know that maybe I'm out of some deadlines.
Can you give me any advice about this kind of master? Which are the best university (not the most expensive).

Now I'm evaluating the offers of the university of Sheffield, York and Tesside.

Thank you


Search here for Masters courses in Marketing:

If you alrady have offers, I would advise visiting the universities you are trying to choose between - it will give you a better idea of what to expect. Good luck!


Dear all
Is there anybody who can give some advices and suggestions about how to get prepared to a master degree in statistics? .
Well,I love mathematics specially statistics ,and I have a bachelor degree in math. I am a little afraid of this course ,as I have my bachelor since looong time ago !!!
I will appreciate that :)