Christmas food, what are your ultimate taste sensations


We know DJW is partial to a sprout & Sylvester digs parsnips, but what else?
Personally I can't stand turkey - too dry & bland and thus, I will be cooking pheasant this year. I also love mashed squash.
Also have decided this year after several experiments with bought sachets vs my own spices, that I do not like Mullied wine any more ( too like cough meds), which is strange as I used to guzzle the stuff from Dec1 onwards. I look forward to Baileys which I never drink at any other time of year & buying a big tin of chocolate bixs on the premise they're for Xmas day / guests but opening them 2 weeks early and scoffing over a few short days.


(waitrosemixednutselection) (pigsinblankets) (cadburyschristmasnovelitypackinstockingshapepackaging)


Yup I love the bacon and sausage things.. My mum always has to make extra cos i am a greedy guts!!

I really enjoy turkey, stuffing, cranberry and pickled onion sandwiches.


I absolutely adore mulled wine! I get high just on the smell of it (glass of mulled wine)


Once i've had the first mince pie of the season (which was 5 days ago) i can't get enough of them, I become a bit obsessed. I'm seriously considering gate-crashing three departmental christmas parties tonight just cos I' know they'll have some!