How do you know if you're in love?


Hey all! Completely off-topic post! It's been ages since I was seeing anyone, but I met someone just 3 weeks ago and it feels different to anything I have ever felt before. I don't think I've ever actually been in love....but I think I might be this time. Is this ridiculous after just 3 weeks to feel as though I've found 'the one'? To those of you who have found 'the one', did you know straight away? Arrrgh, I am rubbish at this sort of thing, any input appreciated!!! Best, KB

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I think I knew with my hubby, although I tried to be careful - when I met him he was a bit of a dark, broody chav haha! if there is such a thing. Picture a bloke with an adidas cap being all silent and scathing in a room while the rest of your uni friends are chatting away. So we got together and I was thinking "just be careful - he's just a short term thing!" and then he proposed 2 months in to the relationship and admitted he was head over heels!

Of course I told him he was being a moron and said he could wait a few years. During those years I've 'trained' him out of being a chav - no more adidas/nike etc. he doesn't wear caps anymore and he wore jeans for the first time 3 years ago and hasn't looked back (up)

And of course we got married 7 years in and are now going into our 9th year!

So yes, I think you do know, but try your best to guard yourself so you don't get absolultely crushed if it all goes wrong!


I think,

it's when you miss the person,
when you enjoy simple things like a hug or a walk much more than at the level of fancying or feeling excited at the new.
When you care.
When you express your feelings in little ways, often unnoticed even to you yourself - something very different from flirting, hitting on someone, coming on to someone etc
When you know that it's someone you just might want to rest on.


I think you do know, it's truly like nothing you've ever felt before simply cos it asks so much of you, and you get so much in return. But it's very easy to get caught up in the first flush of a great relationship and mistake it for love, so as sneaks said be careful you don't get crushed! I met my boyf when I was in the dregs of a previous relationship, i.e trying to break up but being pulled back in repeatedly. When we did finally break up i swore I wasn't going near another guy for ages, and of course I ended up getting together with my boyf about 3 weeks later. I told myself for about 3 months that it wasn't serious, even though I was mad about him, and we've been together ever since. 4 years almost, and I'm not bored yet which is a big deal for me! :-)

but yay that you're having a great time with someone :)


The minute I saw my fiance I knew- 4 years later we're getting married :) after about two weeks he told me he loved me and I felt exactly the same- something I had never thought was possible after such a short time!

So yes KB, it is definitely possible, and just enjoy it!

I was similar to you though Sneaks- when I met him he was this timid, chavvy boy in the corner, wearing lots of Fred Perry he's the most confident, outgoing person I know (he talks in front of millions of people without any nerves!) and he dresses very smartly!

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ooh I'm not sure if mine was timid exactly - menacing perhaps lol he's a bit of a football thug. but then I got to know him and found out that he's a bit of a geek actually and likes puppies haha! He doesn't dress 'smart' just smarter :-)

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hey KB, I will let you know when I find out! But this sounds wonderful for you, so enjoy it, but as they say, keep your feet on the ground too. Lovely thread XXX

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Quote From eska:

hey KB, I will let you know when I find out! But this sounds wonderful for you, so enjoy it, but as they say, keep your feet on the ground too. Lovely thread XXX

what happened to the older guy in the record store??

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HA, HA, HA! That was just a fleeting moment of craziness and is all in the past now. Not love. Just odd.


We met middle of August, decided to get married after one week and we married on October 5th, as that was the first available date, otherwise it would have been sooner. So it does happen. It is different in an odd kind of way I guess. It stunned everyone as I was always off and running if I thought anyone was getting too serious. My advice is to go for it - and don't listen if others say it is too soon - it isn't :-)


I'll agree with Algaequeen (is there anything I disagree with her on?!) it's easy to get caught up in the initial rush when things are all nice and sweet. Enjoy it by all means, but I think love is something borne out of really getting to know each other on a slightly longer term basis. Well, that's my opinion at least. But just enjoy it :)


Wow, looks like it's different for everyone then, like most things! I never really went along with the love at first sight thing, but looks like it really happened like that for some of you :) I know what it's like when you're just starting a relationship with someone and it's all nice and exciting, but this feels different even from that....ah well, we'll see! Thanks guys, all replies appreciated! Best, KB

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oh keanbeen, by all means enjoy whats going on now and look to the future, of course, if you are feeling so strongly. A word of warning though from a 25 year old coming to the end of a 7 year relationship- make sure that you are both on the same page. i really hope that it works out and brings you lots of pleasure and joy.


lol thanks for that DanB! :) makes me feel better when I'm doubting every word I type! :-)

I think it is different for everyone, it totally depends how you are as a person, and how it affects you. My cousin has just got engaged to a guy she's been seeing for about 9/10 months after saying for years that all men were crap and she's cheated on every single one...not this one though, she's like a changed woman! I think he just really gets her though, I think he's the only person she's met who does, so that's just how it was for her. My own boyf drives me crazy but I'd just get bored otherwise I that suits me, he's super careful about stuff like that though and very private so things are a lot slower with us, doesn't make it any less of a love though. If you know in yourself that it's different from anything ever before, then totally enjoy it, don't rush too fast unless you are both on the same page as EV says, and be yourself! I'm so pleased for you! :-x