Journal Article Requests


Hi folks,
I was wondering if anyone could possible get a couple of articles for me?

Clarke & Stewart (1998) 'The decline of parties in the minds of citizens' Annual Review of Political Science, 1 pp.357-358

McDonald & Howell (1982) 'Reconsidering the conceptualization of party identification' Political Methodology, 8, pp.73-91

Thanks (tree)


======= Date Modified 11 Mar 2011 23:12:46 =======
I got the first one. Drop me a PM with your email and I send it to you.


======= Date Modified 12 Mar 2011 09:21:21 =======
RE: the 2nd one - from what I can see Political Methodology was the forerunner of Political Analysis. I've had a look back through Political Analysis but articles only go back as far as 1989. Political methodology/analysis both are part of the Society for Political Methodology so might be worth sending them an email. I did this with another journal and the paper was posted to me!

"The first volume of the quarterly Political Analysis will mark the 25th anniversary of Political Analysis and its predecessor, Political Methodology" in

Or somebody else might be able to get it for you!!


OK, thanks for the heads up, I'll look into it