My thesis has arrived...


There it is, from the printers. 3 copies, 2 for uni and one for me. Mum cried at the acknowledgements bit where I mentioned my nephews.

Feels weird. Only graduation now to endure. But I have this brick looking at me, with my name on it. That I wrote. That I spent years working for. It's just... there.

How did others feel when you got it in your hands? All those years in a few hundred pages. Feels very odd!


Congratulations - having only just started (part-time) I can't imagine getting to where you are


Hubby said his reaction was "Ooh!" when he got his final bound thesis, and he stroked it. Sounds a bit dodgy that, but basically he was very happy!

I hope to get to that stage in the not too distant future. I've figured out where I'll get the thesis bound (we don't have a local proper bindery any more: ours was shut a few years ago), so it will be a courier job. And I'd want to get lots of copies: those for the uni, for me, for each of my parents, for my supervisors. Mmm expensive.

Enjoy the feeling!