Revise and resubmit - help please?


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Hi everyone... Had my viva in march, got a revise and resubmit (fairly extensive but could be worse - theory and evidence is sound). Have completed first chapter revisions and asked my supervisor for feedback. Got hums and haws and was getting increasingly frustrated with half answes and evasions, then this afternoon my second supervisor emailed to say that the procedure was that I had to send all revisions to my internal examiner and there would be no supervision or feedback from either supervisor. What the hell??? Can this be right - that you revise and resubmit in a vacuum and hope the damn thing holds together? I am in a blind PANIC now - what if I only think I'm doing what's being asked and I'm way off the mark? Has anyone else been in this position? Is this normal procedure during revise and resubmit? All help greatly appreciated. I hate this whole thing now...