What Colour Day Are You Having ( quiz)



You Are Having a Blue Day Today is the kind of day that challenges you to the core. You're going to have to stay cool.
You have the intelligence, skills, and drive to rise to the occasion. Your mind is sharp.

While things may be a bit chaotic, you are still taking the time to reflect and be calm.
Today you are extra attractive and interesting to people. You are giving off a detached vibe, which is very intriguing.


You Are Having a Green Day

You are approaching today with a good deal of balance and awareness.
If you didn't pay attention, today could be like any old day. Nothing too exciting is going on.

But for you, today all about making the most of each moment.
You are seeing the beauty in every situation, and you're keeping your mind open to possibilities.


considering i have spent the morning so far chopping up organs i am struggling to see the beauty in everything.... :$


I'm having a blue day too.. I blame the 4am start!


lol Smoobles :-)

I felt fine until I was told I was having a brown day (my least favourite colour ever...ugh...)

'Today you are your normal responsible, serious self.
You're getting done what needs to be done. And you're not too worried about how you're feeling.

While you're all business, you are still warm and approachable.
You are busy, but you're not too busy for a little fun down time.'

Just a normal PhD writing-up day then....


Hey Olivia, looks like we are having the same sort of day as my answers are the same as yours! Great links but not so great that I am trying to write a section on methodology to e-mail to my supervisor tomorrow, and anything else I can find to do I am doing - including these quizzes. I am being 'challenged to the core' but my 'mind is sharp' so I can do it.


I'm glad I'm surrounded by so many 'extra attractive and interesting' people on here :-)

Not sure it's helping me work though!