what do other people do in their spare time..


Learning to play the piano


What the hell is spare time?


I try and fit in playing cricket and horse riding most weeks along with the gym, but its not happening at the moment due to a needing results for a conference i'm about to go on.


I ring bells!! Huge big church bells!!




Sleepyhead - crying isn't recreational. Surely it it is a normal daily function, isn't it....isn't it?


SALSA? did i hear salsa??
err well sorry to steal the topic n i know its about telling what we do in spare time but m really eager to ask if anyone knows any salsa or ANY othr formal dance classes around west midlands [yeah i know m making it more and more difficult by being so stingy about the location but i cant manage to travel too far]

am in search for one since almost ages...so any info would help



Sleep...sometimes grocery shop.


Most of the times I just collapse in bed - but manage to dream briefly of Jeremy Irons. Sometimes I knit or crochet. I am also a member of a book club. I love cooking - and you can see the effects on me! - listening to early Venetian music, and swimming.


Where do you ring bells? I mean in what city?


I cannot reveal where I am or where I am from, just in case my supervisor track me down! But I could make an effort if you are Jeremy Irons in disguise!


I ring in our local church near Chesterfield. 8 lovely bells I started earlier this year and am finally at the stage where I can do rounds, call changes and am just starting plain hunt. I have rang 2nd, 3rd and 4th and its the best feeling in the world to be totally absorbed in something to the extent I don't think about anything else whilst I ring. Its my way of switching my brain off for an hour a week. I recommend it to anyone!!!


That's really cool! I'm a bellringer too! lol! I've rung at Chesterfield Cathedral, but not much more in that area! I've been ringing for a few years - it's good to have something to remove you from the PhD world! hehe


Is nobody fessing up to watching 'To Buy Or Not To Buy', 'Homes Under the Hammer', 'Escape to the Country' or '60 Minute Makeover'??? I would have gone potty if I didn't have them to 'fall back on' when I was writing up (i.e. opportunity for me to 'shut my brain off').