Which profession should I choose?


Hello. I graduated from university about a year ago. I studied Britain Studies. My next goal is to take a master degree. I was thinking about Economics but Im just terrible at math. Thats way I changed my mind. I want to study European Studies or International Relations. The problem is I cant decide between ES and IR. European Studies is more specific and for this reason i want choose ES. But what is going to happen after I graduated I really dont know and Im absolutely confused. What do you guys think? Which one is better? Which one should I choose? Thanks very much.


I think it would help if you figure out what kind of job you want to do or sector you'd like to work in. Undertaking further study without an end goal might not be the best use of your time/money,

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I agree, thinking beyond the course is important. Maybe think about where you want to live, the kind of organisation you'd like to work for, and the kind of role you'd like to do. That might help you to decide which course would be most likely to lead to that kind of work. It doesn't matter if you aren't exactly sure at the moment, or if you change your mind later - but if you have no idea at all you are more likely to end up regretting your choice, I think.


It depends on why you want to do a course.  Is it for interest - or to improve your career prospects?

If for career prospects - you need to seriously consider what the job situation is like where you live - if you are free to travel to where jobs are etc.

In Britain for example - I think there are not many jobs available in International Relations.

How many languages do you speak? That could be significant
