A good day


As I ahve said on other threads I don't have much contact with my supervisor (he can be v grumpy and blunt to the point of being brutal) and I'm part time, mature student etc but I got an e-mail form him today asking how was I, was I geared up for new academic year etc. Instead of e-mailing back I picked up the phone and we had a really nice chat about what I had done in the summer - I stressed the working the archives meetings with people etc and he said he hoped I got some relaxation as well! We then ageed to meet up and show each other our holiday photos ("because you [ie me] are the only person I know who will be interested in them"). I 'fessed up to not haivng done much writing (but told him all about a big prestigious conference I presented at in September) and he said that he is on a first draft of a paper and it is crap and all that matters is to get ideas down as you can refine it later. Then I invited him to a research seminar I am giving at the uni where I work. All in all a good conversation with him.

AND (even better) when I got home the house smelt of of chicken and rosemary and lemon and garlic and tomatoes and potatoes - and had a delicious dinner cooked by my husband and 11 year old son. And now I am drinking sauvignon blanc.

Ok so I should be reading / writing but I'm not going to feel guilty.


Gosh, don't feel guilty, enjoy it, that sounds like a really lovely day! Let the world pass by and enjoy it (is there any chicken left for me ;) )


I would e-mail you some chicken but it all got eaten (much to the dog's disgust!)