A magpie with shiny things


Hi everyone. I'm really curious to know what everyone would class as their top distraction when trying to work on your PhD? Mine would have to be the internet. I've thought of ways to sort this, but I need my computer to work! I spent 3 hours on YouTube this afternoon, couldn't believe it when I looked at the clock and realised how much time had passed. I think food would come second. So what distracts you?


I would definitely put my computer at top of my list--followed by people who insist on interrupting me when it is blatantly obvious that I'm working!


ps3 damn thing


Has anyone noticed that no one takes PhD students and the work we have to do seriously? My friend invited me for coffee today, and I told him I had loads to do and a deadline, and he said 'Oh come on, you can spare one hour! You're a student!' Arghhhh!


biggest distraction - scrabble on facebook. I try to resist starting more games and then do it anyway!

second biggest probably tea, getting up to make a sup should take 5 mins, but instead i offer the room, and then get chatting to someone, come back, have a quick check how my scrabble games are getting on, and realise half an hours gone by, i've finished the tea and it's time for another cup!

sorry about that rediculously long sentence. I should break it up with a full stop or two....


My insecurity and 'can't do attitude'


With you on Facebook's Scrabulous catalinbond ...


Internet...facebook..."can't do it"...tidying and washing.


Staring out the window. It's amazing how fascinating litter being blown about or people just walking by becomes when you've got work you should be getting on with.


Internet, most definitely... that combined with whatever my current 'obsession' is... it's been marathon training every since New Year's Resolutions in January. I swear I already know more about how one would train for a marathon than I do about my PhD

P.S. 5 minutes is the most I have ever run for so far


Chat shows... like Jeremy Kyle


That made me laugh about the litter being blown! I get mesmerized by the yukky weedy vacant lot next door in what once must have been the courtyard or mews or I don't know the word to a stable in the Victorian days. I like to imagine it as it would have been with horses and wagons and Victorian era people ( more of my Dickens fantasy?! ) The really weird roofline around me too is interesting...from very Victorian to very modern!