A mental knot


I have to write an A4 page describing the empirical investigations which will make up my research study.

Problem is I don't seem to be able to get my head round what an Empirical investigation is.

Could anyone provide me with an example so I can more easily understand what I am being asked to do? So far I've attempted two draft documents both of which have been returned to me by my sup kindly telling me that I have been documenting what i intend to do and designing my study, not fulfilling his request.

I go now in search of coffee and a brain that will function!

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errrrrm I hate things like this, my sup has asked me to provide an overview of my PhD, which I've done abou 10 times and am still not on her wavelenght - who knows what she actually wants??

My understanding of an empirical investigation is that you're actually collecting data, not just theorising, but sounds like you've already put that down (??)


I'm with sneaks- I thought it just meant an investigation that you would be collecting data for (whether quantitative or qualitative) as opposed to theoretical work, such as lit reviews etc. Could you just ask for more specific feedback and explain that you're not quite sure where you're going wrong? Best, KB


Thanks guys, I am not really sure what I'm up to either. Have been surfing the web and came across something interesting which said that an empirical question is almost like a statement e.g."Can 3D modelling aid understanding of issues within landscapes? And if so what groups of people are particularly receptive to this technology" Then how do I test that theory (Before/After/improved understanding of choices made).

I have eaten, drunk coffee (decaff) and now have no excuse to leave my desk until I have nailed this document and got those two little letters back from my sup (OK!).