A sort of half light at the end of the tunnel thread


I think there's a certain market demand for a thread that can adequately sit between threads that describe abject panic and the like and threads that describe excitement and major achievements. Not like the one goal thread, but like a little thread for a self-pat on the back.

Okay, I've got just 2 more interviews to do tomorrow (so 2 more lots of transcription) - and thank God! That's the end of data collection (and by the end of the week data analysis) of phase 2 of my research. Bye phase 2! That just leaves phase 3 (which I've already planned how best to get my data for), a less demanding mistress - one which will only require SPSS as our relationship guidance counsellor. So feeling quite happy-ish about it. I'm also getting my systematic literature review published in a nice journal as well. That's my half-light at the end of tunnel. What's yours? (sprout)

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======= Date Modified 10 May 2010 21:41:52 =======
I have succumbed to day-time alcohol consumption as a means of inspiring lucidity, and am doing pretty well with that this weekend. Today I downed half a bottle of wine and some fizzy italian stuff called prrrrssschchchllllWWrrruuuummmm or something - this facilitated 200, very profound sounding words tonight.

Yesterday, I had two Mench Fartinis (that's a French Martini ordered after a generous apertife) and several glasses of wine yesterday. That inspired about 600 words this morning - hangovers seem to work just as well as raw intoxication...


Last week I sent off my lit review to my supervisor. I had written this early on - 3 years ago - and the focus of my thesis has changed substanially since then. So out of the 20000 words I'd written, I kept 1000 and then wrote another 11000 over the past month. It had me in tears; it challenged me constantly; I restructured it completely three times; but I did it.

Now onto completely rewriting another chapter, then the light at the end of the tunnel will be a little closer.


nice one Wally! This week I'm aiming to get the last of the data gathering sorted for one of my studies, then I can start on firing it all into Spss and seeing what it means. I also got accepted for the NERC/BES policymakers workshop next week so I have to prepare something for that by Thursday. I'll be finished my methods chapter by the end of today. So that's 2 chapters done (awaiting corrections for the lit review, ugh) and a third nearly done. Today I choose to feel ok about the work I ahve to do, I will not let myself panic!