a stone in five months!!!


It's just easier to put on weight. If you compare the calories in a chocolate cake and the calories burnt on an exercise machine in the gym the cake wins crumbs down.


Oh dear oh dear! It's creeping up even more. Since I posted this thread I've gained another 3lbs. I can't believe this, drastic action needed here. It really is getting out of hand. It's all my fault though, must admit. I'm constantly reaching for the biscuits and sweets when I'm working, and I don't even think I realise just how much I'm getting through in a day. It's amazing how quickly it piles on. Maybe I should take a 2week break from the PhD and check into one of those regimented health farms.


bellaz, another option: put your biscuits and sweets into a box with a lid. the fact of having to open the lid will let you eat less unconsciouscly. on the other hand, place a bowl full of grapes or other fruit within reach. then you will unconsciously eat healthy stuff and every now and then consciously grant yourself a treat.


Cheers for the suggestion shani! I think my sweets are too easily accessible. I keep all my treats in a drawer next to my desk--don't even have to leave my seat to reach them! I'm leaning on food too much at the moment. When I'm having a bad day, I use food to alleviate my frustration. I know this is unhealthy. I've always loved food, but I seem to have become even more attached to it since starting the PhD.


Bellaz, don't worry about every few pounds. If you are weighing yourself more than once a week then you risk getting obsessed, because weight fluctuates all the time anyway. I can be 5lbs heavier in the days before my period, but its all gone the following week.

Focus on regular healthy meals with a bit of junk food once a week, and you won't go wrong.


I had the same set-up as you bellaz, the treat drawer strategically positioned next to my desk so I wouldn't have to get up. I've decided to stop buying treats now, because if they're there, they'll get eaten, but if I don't have anything I'll just drink tea or coffee. I think this is a situation that alot of PhD students find themselves in.