Adversarial panels


I had a (first year) review today, and despite my supervisor suggesting all was well (and congratulating me afterwards) I found it a thoroughly unpleasant experience.... in fact, it made me cry!
Which left me wandering whether this PhD lark is for me....
Has anyone had any similar experiences?


You shouldn't be upset, you obviously did well by being congratulated, and thus, the PhD lark is for you! Panels seem to be a baptism of fire, and some academics come out with really difficult questions just for the sake of it, while others want to test your defence. At my review it was a fellow student who was unpleasant in her questioning (she actually didn't understand my subject, but turned it so as to discredit my work...this really annoyed me and I didn't have the time to defend myself).


Hey Pamplemousse! I just had my first year review this afternoon and found it quite nerve-wracking, despite not really anticipating (or having) any problems. I didn't find it particularly unpleasant (although there was lots of nervous laughter involved on my part!) but I always come out of stuff like that and forget or disregard all the good stuff that was said, and focus on any suggestions that were made and take them as personal criticism! The thing is, I know I do that, but I can't seem to stop doing it! Admittedly, there were no tears today, but I have been left in tears before by 'successful' meetings where I have achieved the required outcome, but which left me feeling anything but successful. I guess it's a mixture of wound up feelings, tension, nerves, and then finally relief of some description. I don't think it means we're not cut out for PhDs...maybe we will just get tougher with time! And the other thing is, if you didn't care, you wouldn't be getting upset...and it has to be good to care about what we're doing! Chin up, KB.


Thanks keenbean (I hope you're not an archaeologist or my cover's blown!!)
I think you're completely right and I feel better about it now; my head of year even told me to take the comments positively rather than as criticism (but what did I do!!!)....


I so understand how you feel - I have to go through this every 6 months - the last one, although apparently very successful and wonderful etc was a nightmare and I felt so discouraged afterwards. I have another in about 10 days time and I'm dreading it - at least this time I'm more prepared as I know what's coming, but I think that so long as they were happy with you and congratulated you then it was a big success. It is hard to be criticised when you've worked so very hard but I guess that that is what academia is all about and maybe its good that we get the chance to experience it in a 'safe' environment where the people concerned are actually wanting us to do well and trying to help us rather than pulling us down. I'm sure that the PhD lark is for you - we just need to harden up a bit and take things 'positively' - if you find out how to do that please let me know as I tend to end up in tears too!