Advice for revision phase


Hi all,

I'm coming towards the end of my two weeks self-given holiday. Everyone else around me has submitted, apart from the one person with whom i share a submission date. So the pressure is on.

My submission date is 30th September. At the moment am thinking, get everything done by 15th September. So I am giving myself 6 weeks and allowing 2 weeks for supervisor's final look through before submitting.

Did anyone else use this kind of time frame? Did it work for you?

I have 7 chapters in total. 5 chapters form the body. All other chapters have been approved but the conceptual framework is weak. so i have to redo it. What am left to do is:

1) an entire reread & rewrite of the conceptual framework chapter 2 (am allowing 2 weeks)
2) final polish of ch.3 & 4 which are case study chapters(1 week)
4) final polish of ch.5 & 6 which is discussion and overview (1 week)
5) final polish of ch. 1 & 6 and do bibliography (1 week)
6) polish methodology (1 week)

I intent to be doing 12 hour days.

7am - 7pm divided into slots: 7am - 10am, 11am - 2pm, 3pm -7pm.

it will never be perfect... so i intend to hand in after doing this. :-(


======= Date Modified 28 Jul 2010 17:13:38 =======
Yes, I did something similar. I'm doing the final polish now. I'd say allow a few days extra towards the end just in case one of the tasks takes longer than expected. Also, allow enough time for formatting the thesis, printing, binding, etc. - they do seem to take longer than one thinks they will. Are you using a software for the Bibilography or does it have to be all typed out by you? If the latter, allow a day to go over the references and Bibliography to make sure it's all OK. Best of luck (up)


that is reassuring because my supervisor has decided to go quiet at the most inappropriate time! thanks.