Advice please!


Hello all,

I'm totally lost. I want to start a new part in my thesis (around 50 pages). I have the general plan of this part because I wrote a similar one. I have 207 cases to read. Of course some of them are alike but I have to read all of them because I might miss an important point in one of them. However, do you advice me to read the conclusions of these cases, make a detailed plan and define which cases I have to write about then start to write each section. Or I start reading and writing directly, in the sense where I find a point in any case that helps me I write it and explain the case, in the end I would have drafts for all sections. Then I move to read each one and organise the points. Hope I managed to explain my problem :-(


hey emma,

i would suggest taking about 3 cases first. study them closely and figure out, what exactly do u need from them.

consequently, develop a template.

u can use the template to study the other cases. this way, u can use the template to skim the other cases quickly.

u might also want to group the cases together. there might be 207 individual cases but maybe, with the template, u can study the similarity of those cases and group it into 5 - 6 main groups. this should speed things up.

explain the main feature of each group and how they differ. then, explain the special cases as the need arise. hope this helps.. all the best emaa!


Hey Pikirkool,

Thank you so much for your advice, I'll follow it. I have the general plan. I'll start reading the conclusions of the cases quickly and make a detailed plan for each paragraph. It'll take 3-4 days. Then move on the write each paragraph alone.