An update from me


Hello to all!

I've not been around for a while due to various changes in my personal life so I'd thought I'd give you an update. Since submitting my thesis and the whole delay in getting a viva date (which by the way, I still don't have!), things have been pretty caotic.

To be honest, my uni doesn't seem to be very bothered with my viva. It's now come to the point where I'm emailing asking them for a date and they're answering all my other questions relating to publishing and ignoring the elephant in the room.

So... I haven't really been doing any work on my thesis/viva prep and life has moved on to focus on my personal life. Since submitting, I've rescued a puppy, moved homes/cities, changed jobs (although it's still a 'normal' job not in my field) and found myself pregnant! So Baby Skig is in the oven :)

I am hopeful that I'll get a viva date soon but then I've been hopeful for the past 6 months...

I've noticed that quite a few people have passed their vivas and I'm not sure I'll be able to congratulate everyone individually. I'll still try though but just in case I don't manage it, well done to all of you! I'm really glad all your hard work has finally paid off!

Off to catch up with the threads now...

ps. I'll try to pop in more often 8-)


Hi Skig,

I wondered what happened to you. Congratulations on your pregnancy - that's exciting news. I'm completely horrified you haven't a viva date, I would be very angry and frustrated had I been put in that position. Not sure what to say or recommend really but I do hope you're OK.

Good to hear from you!



Hi Delta!


Nah, don't worry about the viva date. To be honest, I'm unlikely to get any jobs in my area now so I'm happy to do it whenever it comes, preferably before the baby is born though!

How are things your end?


I admire your attitude Skig, personally I'd be climbing the walls in frustration.

I'm fine, still getting a lot of job rejections but am happy enough as I've broadened my job search and know there are many, many people in a much worse position.

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Hi Skig

Massive congratulations on the baby! That's great news.

And yes, the viva wait sounds unbelievably frustrating. I hope you get news soon, and that the date fits in with all the other things you've got going on!


Quote From Skig:

I've rescued a puppy, moved homes/cities, changed jobs (although it's still a 'normal' job not in my field) and found myself pregnant!

Bloody hell that's a find, particularly if you didn't have sex.

Congrats on everything. (up) It sounds like you're pretty relaxed. Maybe mention the occupancy of your oven as a way to chivvy the Uni along on a viva.


Thanks Batfink! I hope all is well your end :)

Thank you for the suggestion Slizor. I'm slightly reluctant to tell them that I'm pregnant because I haven't done any real revising so I don't want it too soon. Plus, it'd be difficult to do anyway as the only person who I could approach directly is off sick. The sups are doing what they can (it's in their best interest for me to get through it too!) but there's only so much they can do as well. I'll have to rethink if bump starts getting too big though, but frankly, right now, I can't say that I care much. It's a bit sad as I worked so hard for it, but it's just not a priority right now. I know I won't be able to get a job in my field with the bump, so whether I have it now or in 2 months time, it's all the same. Well, hopefully I'll have revised by then :p