Another lazy week ending..


yep! you guessed it. Another moaning lazy PhD student. I've only written about 600 words and supposed to finshed the lit review a week before. The problem is I'm not lazy to do anything else its just writing that makes me freeze. Anyway the week is ending and maybe I could manage few hundred words more. Has anyone else had a similar week? Of course those who do just fine can be proud of themselves as you don't NEED to moan when you are doing your work, it only when you are down that this forum helps me to recover, just like a bottle of wine.


mmmm Wine sounds good. Or maybe Gin.
I seem to have been awake most of the night these past few days - but still the screen stays far to blank. I have bursts of writing - they generally last about 2 mins!! Then I seem to need 3 days to recover (or it feels like it!)

Gin sounds good.


that is what my writing is at the moment. You have my sympathies! I have a nice bottle of ale lined up to get my writing juices going later...


Yes I know the feeling completely! I have had a major block about writing anything for about six months now Scary stuff... And littleme I am the exact same one good week is always followed by three really bad ones!!! But hey I guess we are all in the same boat