Any computer hardware Gurus? Please help!


It is in a way PhD related, if my computer is now dead, it means trouble for my deadline. Well here is the summarised story and I would be grateful for help:

I was attempting to change my graphics card's fan/cooler. Made sure to buy a compatible cooler, but still some things did not look like the one on the manual as the cooler is made for so many different VGA cards etc. Anyway, the result is smoke. Literally smoke. After I connected the power smoke started to come out of the fan's controller. I turned the computer off as quick as I can but now I don't know what to do. It still smells horrible. Putting the old fan back is out of question. I don't know what else in the computer got effected with this. Please help. Thank you


I'm writing from my boyfriend's laptop computer by the way; just in case you think I managed to turn the problem computer back on


use your boyfriend's laptop ?


lol jojo Great solution.


I would suspect that it is unlikely that anything else in the PC died, rather the heatsink compound on the graphics card chip overheated. It could mean the end of your graphics card, unless you can fit the new (or the old) fan correctly. Try a different card, see what happens.


Thank you. That put my mind at rest a bit. I'll try what you say.