Any tips on transferring Supervisors?


Lads and ladies,
It really has boiled down to me looking seriously at the option of moving supervisor as I do feel that
a. I AM going to finish this Phd with a valid idea and plan
b. I just have little or no faith left in my current supervisor ... every meeting turns into a Jeremy Kyle show and I get the feeling that I am the runt of the litter (first to be stopped funding, ignores work and keeps bringing up stuff from two years ago FFS!). Who the f**k starts a meeting with "I don't think you are making progress!" and then is basically proven wrong when all of nearly 200 pages of work is not even read!!

I no longer let it get to me personally too much but if I am putting in an effort (which we all do!) I would like to think that this is being someway respected.

Anyhows, I just do not want to give up (what options are there in current climate) but am left in the double whammy of
a. I'm now part time and have the complication of looking for work (funding long gone but also too the part-time work for a while)
b. I've only an inkling of some potential alternative supervisors so would be basically without the safety net of having someone waiting if I did part ways with my current supervisor.

Any advice/tips would be appreciated. As I say, it no longer bothers me personally but I feel that I have a valid idea with the notion of commercialisation, so want to get this done for that reason and not just getting three letters (no disrespect intended to any of ye!)


Rant over and all calm again.
He said in the meeting to prove him wrong, so with new vigour, gonna just do that! If one thing I got out of the meeting was that I stood up for myself with either breaking into a jibbering idiot or maniacal axeman, so a small victory.
Can see his viewpoint that I need to be far more focussed and actually be more proactive at what I want looked at and why.


Hey Bonzo,
Glad the meeting went well and congrats for responding so constructively! I'm not sure how the university would sit on your changing supervisors so if you do go ahead it might be worth discussing with your head of dept first.