Anyone got access to ESDS?

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I need the full Labour Force Survey - non of their little versions with breakdowns, the full thing. Does anyone have access? it says it needs athens, which I don't seem to have for some reason (I thought all unis got rid of athens years ago??)


Have you got a link for it? I'll have a look. :-)

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I think you have to press 'download/order' here in the top right

and then put in your athens? (obviously don't pay any money if you have to pay!)


I tried but it asks you to register with your address and all which departement you're in etc and then agree to some licence thing so I got frightened! It then said there was another stage of registration so I don't think I can do it!

I think most uni's still have some sort of Athens, my uni now uses Shibboleth (I'm not sure if that's the right spelling) but it's still just like Athens and signs in the same way, it just uses my Uni username and password. I wouldn't have access to anything if it wasn't for athens/shibboleth even if it is a major pain to sign in to every website every five minutes!


I *think* I'm in - which part do you need? I don't think it's just one document that I can email to you.

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thanks Moonblue! I'll pm my address, how many parts are there?