are photos necessary?


Hi all, hope everyone is having a nice day. I was wondering if anyone had an opinion on the inclusion of photos in a thesis? I will have to travel to take relevant photo and I'm not sure its worth it. If I do include them they will be of interesting/unusual specimens, that in reality will add little to my overall findings and will be discussed for maybe 500-1000 words max. But do you think that examiners will appreciate some nice pictures? (I have other diagrams but nothng that could be described as pretty!). Has anyone heard of negative reactions to a lack of photos/images in phd theses?
Thanks! Siwee


Maybe it depends on your subject, but speaking from a design perspective, I think it's a good idea to regard your images as you would your writing and other sources of data. Every picture should be included for a reason. It should add something to the overall discussion and communicate something that cannot be done purely in words. If a pic is just an extra that provides a bit of visual diversity, but adds nothing to your argument, there doesn't seem much point in using it. I'm sure you justify each sentence you write, so maybe think along those lines for your photos too. I was more worried about negative reactions to having loads of pics in mine, as my examiners all come from different non-arty disciplines, but I'll see what happens! :-)


My thesis topic requires the use of images, and so I use them in abundance. They are however carefully selected and there to - as RubyW said - communicate an idea or contextualise/adjunct something that cannot be written purely in words. Becuase my sources are the result of hours of archival work or extracted from two hundred or three hundred year old books that I have read - including them in the thesis is something of a badge of pride for me because it shows - I think - my research abilities as a historian. I think that the image credit/acknowledgement at the bottom of the page underneath the diagram/image is great because it enables you to show your examiners/sups the achives, sources or places you have consulted. I think it adds something to a humanities PhD thesis.

Siwee, you could find a way to use some of your photos in the text because they show a research ability (demonstrate clearly that you went on X field/archival trip)


i may put in some photos to illustrate some points, I think they will more clearly illustrate some of the points I need to make...however I did a presentation a month or so back, and somebody asked if I was going to put in a DVD of the material I presented (I did a couple of impressive experiments to illustrate some points I was making, the audience was very impressed) so I'm wondering about that one - anyone included a CD or DVD who is not arts based?