Are you motivated? Then, please....


Hallo Everybody,

I have started my PhD 3 years ago. Until now, No publications & No conferences. The reason is that the methodology is wierd, but the goal is still clear. Now, my Prof. said to try a new way. The new way looks that it takes still take more time to come up with a result/publications/thesis.

But the problem is that I feel really frustrated about the time I lost for the past 3 years, no publications (feeling of self-degrading,..), no thesis outline, etc.

We are brother&sisters suffer in the same way. The strong should lift the weak for the good purpose.

Can anyone motivate me with real life examples that helps me to get back to my PhD work with full of love?

Mr. MA.


You're a loony


a number of these things you can do on your own - like a thesis outline.


also publications and conferences if you're not in science. i have attended conferences, on my own initiative without my supervisor pointing me to them and also done publications. you have to take responsibility if you want a PhD. it's not just gonna happen when you're waiting for your supervisor to rescue you. you have to get down and do the hard work and then maybe your supervisor will be interested. if the methodology is so bad, why did you carry on with it for three years? maybe you should seek a second opinion.


interesting. you can publish some half-done work; why the methodology is weird?


To motivate yourself, you need to have a life apart from having the PhD life. Having something else that keeps your heart light. I am not motivated all the time, but I realise the need to be motivated and most importantly, to be happy and not sad.