Avoiding my supervisor


Recently, I keep trying to escape seeing my supervisor.
I did experiment while he's working in his office, and I left before he'd a chance to talk to me.
I thought he won't come to lab on Saturdays, but I was wrong this time. I felt like "got caught"...He talked to me 3 times! (Although it's like "How're things going?" "Hi!" ... etc.) However, I don't want to speak to him at all!
I think he won't be in the lab tomorrow (Sunday), I'll go back to do my experiment, and take Monday off.
I have no one to talk to......what a shame!


So why are you trying to avoid your supervisor?


Good question.


don't know why. just don't want to see him. got nothing to say if he comes for a chat...


**I felt like "got caught"...He talked to me 3 times! (Although it's like "How're things going?" "Hi!" ... etc.) However, I don't want to speak to him at all!**

Something isn't adding up here. If you feel like you have "got caught" it sounds like you've got something to hide. Have you fallen behind with your work? If not, and you just "don't want to speak to him at all" then you're going to have a difficult time doing your PhD! Like it or not, supervisors are pretty vital to the whole doctoral process. Avoiding them is not display good practice - or manners. If he has done something to offend/affront you, that's a different story, but from the limited information you give he sounds like a pretty reasonable bloke who is merely making polite conversation. I would suggest you do the same, if only for the sake of your PhD progress.

Personally I think it's great to have a friendly supervisor. I know others who would certainly be glad of yours.


Well.....I know my supervisor is a friendly guy. I think it's just my own problem...
Thanks anyway.


yick, do you feel like this towards anyone else? I think it is an important issue. Because your supervisor is one person who you will need to talk to most during your research. Or is it his approach that puts you off from speaking to him?


I usually become very tense and uncomfortable when I speak to my supervisor. I don't have such nervousness towards other postdocs or PhD students....weird...


I wonder if it's his approach and attitude causing this. He won't be any use to you if you can't speak with him. All this might change in time. But then again, you say this started "recently". If you feel like talking about it here in a bit more detail (i.e. what changed recently, does anyone else in the lab have a similar problem with him etc.), we could try and help you from our experiences.

I hope you have another supervisor in the meantime whom you feel comfortable with.


This sounds like a major issue for you, Yick. From your initial post I admittedly thought it was apathy on your part (apologies for that assumption) but now that you say your behaviour is different with other staff members and that you feel "tense and uncomfortable" i realsie it is more than that.

as 404 says, can you elaborate a little on what's changed? Can you pinpoint what it is about others that makes you feel at ease in contrast to your supervisor? How far are you into your PhD? Are other students uder his supervision? Could you perhaps talk with them and discreetly find out if they feel the same?


Hi yick

Not sure if this will help but your problem sounds like one I had with my supervisor initially. He's a real nice guy and we now get on very well (18 months in). The issue for me was never really with him but with my perception of him in the guise of supervisor. I was intimidated by his sense of authority over me... the notion that he would be judging me all along the way (and I'm part-time and not under his nose at all... so that was kind of strange). Anyway, he saw this nervousness in me whenever we got together to talk and we figured things out. Some of us simply need more space/distance and when our actions are being measured, that space can feel invaded. Maybe that's what you're feeling?


If you're stuck for things to say... try keeping a notepad as you work, write down any questions or ideas that come to you and ask your supervisor what he thinks. Also, chatting doesn't always have to be about work... it's good to pass the time of day too... If you have a meeting scheduled, plan for it... think of two or three things you could talk about then ask yourself why you want to talk about them and how your supervisor could help you with them or move your forward. I find plans help when I get tongue-tied. Or, you could take a diagram or some printouts of your work and talk through those. Try to think of your supervisor as a help rather than a hindrance.


My supervisors really lovely but I understand where you are coming from. I have days where I just want to hide and/or avoid them...usually when I'm really stressed, struggling and don't want to be asked "so hows the work going?" I respect my supervisors (and their work which inspired me to continue my research) a lot and I think this makes me feel insecure around them sometimes, almost as if I 'owe them one'. For me this is only natural and I don't think you can force-feed relationships. I try to stay clear of personal chatter also because I don't really want to be thinking of my supervisors as 'friends' though I realise this may be a better approach for some people. Try not to worry about it too much. I think its just one of those things - when you think about it, it makes it more awkward in a way!!


Thanks Grey's "when you think about it, it makes it more awkward in a way!!".

It's true, I've been thinking too much, perhaps. Before I speak to my supervisor, I have to think so carefully on the wordings that won't make me "sound stupid"....and I find this a very stressful thing to do.


Yes Yick, just try and relax and remember its perfectly natural so don't beat yourself up. These sort of issues come up on here time and time again. I think many of us suffer from phd anxieties!