'bad reputation' in academia


Hi guys. I'm a bit paranoid, help would be appreciated.

Had a nightmare with my masters dissertation/supervisor last year, but am now onto my PhD (same institution). On Friday, a lecturer who is taking a class I'm auditing made a comment about me 'struggling' last year and suggested that I'm lucky to be on the PhD (since i didn't get the distinction i was expecting). Now, this could only have come from my supervisor. I never told him my marks, and he was not involved with my masters dissertation. He said it in a really patronising 'sympathetic' way which really annoyed me. I couldn't really respond though, just ignored it.

What I'd like to know, is how much do lecturers talk about students? Is my reputation already tainted? Or do they not really care about masters students? I know I'm being paranoid but i feel like my old supervisor might have tried to to prevent me getting in. I know it doesn't matter because i AM in, but i really hate the lack of anonymity in this university. (And it's a big uni!) Any one had a similar problem?


I've not been in this situation myself but I think its probably normal for staff to talk about students to an extent, probably more in the 'gossipy' sense than anything else. I don't think your reputation would be tainted, but that would depend on the nature of the problem you had with your Masters supervisor, do they work closely with the lecturer who made the comment? I think the best thing for you to do in this situation would be to leave the problems with your ex-supervisor in the past, and concentrate on the fact you are doing a PhD and are lucky to have the opportunity to be involved in teaching activities as well -they must think quite highly of you to give you that chance. I'm sure that if you impress this lecturer then he'll get to know you better, and will stop making patronising comments - he's probably only going on what he has been told unfortunately but you're in a position now to prove yourself. Good luck, Natassia x


Hi Max,

I don't think you need to worry. In our dept, the progress of masters and phd students is discussed at staff meetings to which everyone (i.e. including secretaries, RAs,) is invited- so basically everybody knows which students are doing what and how well. It's only a problem when unprofessional people (like the person who made that comment to you) enjoy stirring things up. I know how you feel because my supervisor is incredibly unprofessional and goes around spreading gossip about who is having difficulties (including personal things like illness). But everyone knows he is a gossip and a lot of people avoid him.

As you say, you got in, so you ARE good enough - you don't need to justify yourself to anybody. Good luck with your phd!


is it possible that this person was on the committee that dealt with your MA thesis? I agreewith the other comment, people talk (probablymore about negative than positive things unfortunately). Don't worry about it, masters is not the end of the world and you are now in a position to prove those who might have a bad impression wrong. Work hard, meet dealines and do alyou can to be an asset to your department (organise discussion groups, academic meetings if you can) people will forget very quickly.


I've had to report a member of staff on sexual misconduct.

I am dead in the water now :-( Although my reference is cool, I feel this situation has blown up any chance of getting onto a PhD, I have had an interview to get onto a PhD, since then - NOTHING. I am so paranoid now if I have a repuation for "being a trouble maker" in a nutshell this lecturer if he had his way, would have had me sleep with him.

Bearing in mind I have also a learning disability, this jerk got off scot free and I am left to pick up the pieces, so NEVER EVER think you are paranoid, the truth will come out in the end. (I hope I get an apology and a chance to be on a PhD) trying to do research with that in the background. I was lucky to get my PgCert viva done, I was an utter mess!

All I want is to do research...


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