Calling Languages Postgrads!


Im currently in dispute with my university about how much i am paid as a languages postgraduate to teach language classes, seminars and tutorials.

i wanted to try and do a survey of other languages postgrads who teach and what they are paid. could u put your university, what phd year you are in and what your hourly rate is please



It is £25 per hour


At my uni the language tutors get paid the same as me: just under £22 an hour. This pees me off no end because they only have right/wrong marking to do, they teach out of a textbook (so don't have to do any preparation) and don't have to pay for the books they use (I teach English lit: we have a lot of books). If I spend more than three hours in preparation (including the time it takes to re-read primary texts and critical material) then I'm already below minimum hourly wage.

I get paid £8 an hour at my main part-time job in a call centre. It's pretty outrageous how little I get paid for teaching.

I would complain, but I think if they paid us more then there would be fewer hours of teaching, and I want it to go on my cv. Instead, I'm organising an online resource for people to pool their teaching materials and lesson plans so people teaching in the future can do less work than I've had to.