Can somebody please tell me what's going on...


Am I in the correct site? What happened to the forum? There are about 4 million replies with today's date and they all appeared after 6pm. Did someone suddenly feel like communicating, so decided to reply all posts? Did I miss a meeting? What happened...


let's see if the server is going to be able to handle this. And I can already smell a system crash


DanB do you have a deadline coming up?! I always find I start finding distractions to keep busy whilst avoiding work!


Tomorrow's headlines: DanB killed the internet


molecules and DNA
ditched that and moved onto structural tightening in enzymes
not much of an improvement


I don't know DanB, I just had a funny feeling there may be an element of pre-deadline procrastination! I have had a lot of experience of this myself . I have also been daydreaming about giving it all up and getting a more relaxing 9-5 job, but not in IT, maybe as an ice cream seller!