CDL Loans


Like my most student I have obtained a bad credit history. I am due to finish my course, I hope for a 2.1 so I may be able to apply for funding from my future University but if I get a 2.2 I will have to turn to a CDL loan. I am worried that I wont get one because of my history. I would be very grateful for any advice here.


Many banks won't want to take a risk on a bad debtor. At least start making credit repayments and show that you are a better future risk. However, you should talk to the banks directly as they'll know their policies better than anyone.

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Getting a bad credit record as a student is very common place. Providing your Masters course will improve your earning potential and you haven't been subject to any County Court Judgements then most of the High Street banks will probably consider you for a Career Development Loan.


If you do have CCJs then you're stuffed. I couldn't even get a student bank account. Banks generally only lend money to people who already have money who don't need to borrow it .... sorry ...


Thanks for the information - no I have never had any CCJ's but due to recieving a late loan a bill I was paying was sent to a debt collector - which is how I got bad credit history.