Hi everybody!
Are there any european students?
I am from Lithuania and am very enthusiastic about starting a PhD.
My question is- where I can translate my degree certificate, cause it's in Lithuanian and how much it is going to cost me?
I am looking forward to your answers
Many thanks!!!!


Hi, I had to get mine authenticated using a credentials company to go from UK to USA (they were all in English you just need to get them evaluated) - I presume these companies probably do translations as well as giving the UK equivalent for the country.

the one I use was silvergate evaluations http://www.silvergateevaluations.com/

However they may be specific for US, I'm sure the same sort of companies exist for EU to UK etc, just look for credential evaluation services on google or speak to the institutions you are in contact with to get reputable ones.

As for price, I think I paid £40 (52 Euros)- although this will probably vary depending on what is required

Hope this helps



thank U for reply.
I'll continue my serch on google!!!


Sjo4, out of curiosity: were you asked to do this?

I've never had to for any UK course (I've been on a few), even for the MA. Yet my UG records are not even in English, but in French. Once or twice I asked if I had to get them translated or anything, and the answers were: "oh, don't bother, save your money, we'll figure out what this is worth!" and "no, don't worry, we're quite familiar with these"...

Did I get a "neighbours' favour" of some sort? That would surprise me, but hey... I would have imagined it to be even easier for US transcripts, given they're already in English.


Sorry, I misread, I thought you had to have them done the other way round. Still I'm quite surprised this is asked for between the UK and the US.


I am sure the university will give you advice on how to translate the previous degree. It will cost money (as does everything , got my transcripts the other day and costed me £12 and waited for 3months)


i had my degree transcript translated by my old university. that is, i translated it myself, sent them the document, went there, they had very slightly adapted the translation and printed it out, and they put a stamp and a signature on it. that was free and it was perfectly enough.

as far as i am aware the unis in GB will decide about what they accept as equivalent or not, you don't have to provide them with it - but in many cases you do need to provide them with a translation. the easiest and cheapest way to get an english translation of your degree is to ask your old university, in my experience.


Hi Nadia, I was required to have them done for the visa application I was making at the time which was the H1-B visa - which is more of an immagratory visa than some of the student visas.

I do know a few folk in our From US and EU at my current UK university that have never had the requirement and the universities do usually try and figure them out if they are in english. I think it was more to do with the visas - which are quite strict to enter the US at the moment


Ha ha, makes sense. Thanks, my curiosity is satisfied