christmas - how many days off>?



I was just wondering how much time everyone is taking off over christmas? I am funded by BBSRC but I am still not clear how many days holiday I am allowed. I don't want to take too much time off as I feel it may look bad but I love christmas and I would prefer to take my holidays around this time of year. What are everyones thoughts?


Hi Neil
Did you take two wks off at christmas when you were in your first year? Is your supervisor ok with it?


I get four weeks holiday a year and have been specifically told by my supervisor to take it all and when i want to. I thought this was normal but maybe it's not?! But then my supervisor is a laid back sort who is keen to promote efficency rather than put in wasted hours! I still find my self following dead ends sometimes tho :(


That sounds really good at least you know where you stand. My supervisor has not mentioned holidays at all.


I'm taking 3 weeks off because all my sampling has to be done through spring and summer so there won't be any chance to have any holidays then.