Could God help us?


I didn't mean I came at it 'all guns blazing', I didn't even know WHAT I was going to do (I was working elsewhere, thought about it, and came to the computer to find Jenny's post). It just felt wrong to ignore something that was offending me to the core of who I am. And I don't take *everything* way too seriously, I've stopped myself posting on this thread before because it wasn't started seriously ('can God help us get our Phd' was part of the original question).


I don't see why religion should fit in the same bracket as Ethnic origin, age etc. If a man always spat in his pocket because he thought it was dirty to swallow saliva, and he didn't want to spit on the floor, you would see no problem with treating him as a fool. Likewise, if someone doesn't eat delicious bacon because the animal it comes from has feet that resemble those of a made up character's (the devil) then, I see them as fair game for fun poking.

The fact that millions of people share the same beliefs make no difference to me. The reason why people see christians as fair game, but not muslims is not because they respect Islam more. It is because when the rioting starts, the laughter stops. If I were the personification of a religion, I would rather be Christianity being openly mocked than Islam with people taking the piss behind my back because they think I'm a nutcase.


Jenny, Sue, I don't understand why you are offended. They weren't personal insults.

If you feel so strongly about your religion, you shouldn't care what other people think about it. Do you really think God and Jesus would care about those comments? I don't think so. So why are you trying to defend them.

I don't start going on about silly girls having pictures of Hindu deities on their strappy tops or on their bags (and even on underwear). I just think of it as ignorance and move on.


H: no, I don't think God needs anyone to defend Him, but it feels like someone badmouthing a friend, you wouldn't be much of a friend if you didn't defend them. Would God care about the comments? Maybe.

Ed: I see your point about religion not fitting with that list, because it's something you choose. So, I can't do anything about it, this is my choice and I take what comes with it. Believe me, I understand that. I'm should still be allowed to say it offends me.


"I", not "I'm"


without stating the obvious Jesus or God cannot come out of the heavens like a bot of lightening and do away with all those who offend them, but I will speak up when something offends me , just as I feel you will do also.

MistaG do not be too hard on Sue, her thoughts were were open and she wasn't happy about the comments so she looked at the rules regarding offence posts . I don't belief she was policing anyone.



DanB Great you read the bible fantastic good for you. You think it's a fantasy book , well great that is your opinion and conclusion, but let me say this I will RESPECT your beliefs please respect mine and many others who have a belief in God or the bible some of the comments have been very harsh indeed.

As regards whether it's OK to offend christian and not Muslims, What insensitive planet are you on. You won't offend a Muslim because you fear the organisation will blow you up GET a grip man.

As I said in my last posting LIVE AND LET LIVE
This is my final posting on this subject I bow out gracefully


(I should still be allowed to say it offends me...) unless you guys say otherwise, then the PGF team should remove my comments

Thanks Jenny.


I decided I'd left permanently (again) two days ago.


I believe that beliefs, per se, don't necessarily demand respect. I judge everything on its individual merits. The fact someone believes something doesn't compel me to respect them, or their belief. That is my belief, so please respect it!

As for the whole offending Muslims vs Christians debate, I don't feel particularly scared of offending Muslims (though I wouldn't run up to them (nor christians) on the street and start shouting abuse at them or anything.


My point was that the whole: you wouldn't say that to Muslims argument is used by christians quite a lot. To me, the reason why people are less inclined to critisise Islam is not because they feel it is due greater respect, but because Muslims are less tolerant of "insults".

Personally, if I was religious, I'd rather be regularly offended by heretics, than feel that people didn't offend my religion because they fear the consequences. I am talking more about journalists etc. rather than me writing anon on a message board.

I don't think Christians should use the "respect" held for Islam as the benchmark for how they should be treated.


Yes, type 'religion and education' statistic on goggle search tells u a bit more about this.  national statistic, home office statistic or some university web page .But it really depends on what countries the religious people based on. Are they lay practitioners, followers or the ordained religious leaders ,post. etc. etc, etc. Unfortunately, Religion still in a turmoil challenge because of fundamentalist exist. Buddhism practitioner class a more educated than any others, believe it or not. Christian came second. other eastern or middle east, are various and extreme. some countries do not have schools as religion is their schools due to inhumanity and political oppression. so different society had different values on this type of basis. Some country only one official religion exist. Some countries do not allowed religion exist. In civilised countries, people practice religion can be many fields. But beware they can go extreme being as a 'cult' group or 'destructive weapon' towards other non-believers. The origin or religion supposed to be peace and non-violent, but 'lots of cult group ' went to 'either non-peace, immoral, inhumanity' way to influence other around the world. So I Still believe 'JESUS, AND ONE GOD' STILL LOVE WORLD. BLESS.



======= Date Modified 02 Sep 2008 01:31:54 =======

Quote From scamp:

Do you think there is any kind of correlation between believing in some religion and educational level? Just for my own record...

I think this question to begin was very vague. I do not understand the use of term religion in this Question. no wonder it has 11 pages of responses. half of people saying i believe in religion and half saying, i am v intelligent so i am atheist.

and in any case, unfortunately level of education is not a good measure of enlightened mind or any such thing?......all constructs in this question are weak at best.

i do not understand with religion - edu relationship, what inference were being deduced?????