Did you actually quit?



Did anybody here actually quit the PhD?

Out of curiosity, is there anyone who really did quit the PhD? What happended to you afterwards? Was it tough to find another job (if you did try to find a job in the industry)?

I'm asking here just to know whether PhDs are really not that attractive to corporate employers....Thanks a lot for your help!


I quit a full-time PhD, back in 1996, but can't help you with the employment question. I quit because I developed a progressive neurological disease. I can't work with this. It's slowly killing me.

But I did go back and have another go at a PhD, totally opposite discipline, part-time. And I got that.


I see thanks for the reply Bilbo.

I hope you get well too (maybe an awkward thing to say, I'm sorry I don't know the disorder very well). In any case looks like you've got things together, so good for you :-)

See you around in the forum!