Dr DjWickid - how did you manage your thesis?


Jojo here. I just noticed from previous threads that you've done your PhD in two years excluding the first year - the research year. You're a social scientist as well.

How did you manage your time, work, life? and esp... writing up?

How did you structure your thesis - chapters and length?



Hi Jojo. I think the secret to my success (ooh it's nice to say that) was just to work consistently. I reckon I probably worked an average of 5 hours a day, 5 days a week and that way didnt even have a mad stress at the end.

I saw each chapter as a mini (or rather a large) essay and just concentrated on getting each one done before moving on to the next.

As regards the rest of my life, I took plenty of time out. I did loads of excercise which I think helped me be disciplined with the thesis. And alcohol was a great help too. I hardly ever worked at the weekend as I thought it was really important to see my friends and do the things I enjoy.

One other great tip was drinking Tia Maria through the difficult parts. It really got the creative side of me going!


thanks.. i'll take that on board.


Congratulations Dr DJWickid. Good luck with the small amendments. You gave me hope. My aim is to finish by September (when the 3-year funding ends).


Congratulations!!! Just to have an idea, how much did you do in your first year compared to the second and/or 3rd one? Is it normal to work less during the first year and speed up later? It just seems so long to prepare an experiment that I do not have time for writing up at all. Well I would have if I could work 10 h per day!


Sorry jojo, I understand this is YOUR post, I am just interested too in how people get things done so quickly


not a problem at all Sara..


Great post! Dr DJW you are an inspiration to me too, I am heading for Feb so keeping everything crossed.


Wow, that's really useful information, however I'm a bit shocked that you only "needed" 5 hours a day (or 25 a week I think)... I tought 40 hours a week would be more appropriate and until now I've managed to accomplish it! (but I started my PhD only 9 or 10 weeks ago). But of course every of us has different disciplines and talent...


Sara - I didnt really do any work on my PhD in the first year because I was doing a postgrad diploma in research methods. So the real work only started in the second year.

Nimrod81, I really think it differs alot according to disciplines. when I say I worked about 5 hours a day, I really did work in those hours (I worked at home, and not having internet was a definate help re. work production!)


Nimrod, I think you are right - it is heavily dependent upon field. I am in science (microbiology mainly) and while I was a tiny bit slack in the first 2 years (not mega-slack though), I worked pretty damn hard for the last 2 years.

In the last 6 months I was trying to finish benchwork, my boyfriend had already moved 800 km away to live (with our dog and all our belongings...sob), time was running out, plus my scholarhsip had run out 6 months before, I was doing 10-12 hour days in the lab every day - Saturday and Sunday. I survived only because my mother-in-law brought me food parcels - she is a great cook!

DJW - you must be really efficient when you work and you must be really organised. You are lucky. No 5 hour days for me in the last 2 years. I guess not having to work with fickle bacteria would help.