DVD Box sets will see you through!


Red Dwarf!


Yay! I know have a bone fide reason to go out and buy every episode of Friends and Red Dwarf ever made!


The L-Word
Desperate Housewives
Queer as Folk
and "Love Actually" at times of despair;)


Danger Mouse...


Love Actually - good choice. Often mentioned on this board for one of the stars - Alan Rickman! ha ha


It's a great film, I especially like Hugh Grant's dance


I like Love Actually.. I think Bill Nighy's character is great.


I'll have to borrow them off you DanB. to cure my severe case of writer's block and find some Dangermouse episodes as well as they're also great! I've just been sent a great book (not related to research!!) which should also help!!

Choc biscuits are essential - I've hunting for food all day!!


Hmmm I do like the dark choc ones!!!


One series not to get into...Charmed. I can feel it rotting my brain yet I have to keep watching to see if the Angel of Destiny will bring Leo back (don't ask!) I really need to stop watching daytime TV


The Buffy box sets are always good entertainment. Xander still has all best lines such as:

"I laugh in the face of danger, then runaway and hide until it goes away."

Series one is the best although series two was also good. Anyone remember the musical one where they sang all the way through it?


I love Spooks too. I was upset when Tom Quinn left, but Adam Carter is even better. Is he gonna be in the new series too?


he was shot but we didn't see what happened to him. I guess his death depends on his contract renewal with the series' producer.


I really need to catch up with Spooks!! It's box sets all round for the foreseeable future!