endnote-? author initials


endnote is giving me a headache, wasting my precious writing time again:-s:
I inserted a citation with 3 authors and it appears on the page with initials of the first author (A.B.John, James & Blogs, 2000).

Can anyone tell me Why? ???& how to make it normal? There is only one John in my reference list.

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I had this. Basically, if you have two authors with the same surname some 'styles' e.g. APA format like to put in the initials of the person that is repeated e.g. if you have D.P thomas, and W.H Thomas, then endnote will put the initials so it is clear which one you are talking about. - even if you only reference one of them in your document.

However, if you have the same author, but it is cited differently in your endnote database e.g. D.P Thomas, D. Thomas, D.P.M Thomas, then endnote will think they are differetn authors, when in fact they are just put differently depending on the journal/authors preference. To combat this, you can 'copy' the authors name and then 'paste' it into any other reference that is by the same person - to ensure they all match up. E.g. so they all say D.P. Thomas. (if they are by the same bloke).

Failing that, it could just be how your style output is set. You can edit your style output in one of the menus - and you can tell endnote how you want references cited.


Thanks a million Sneaks! the copy and paste thing worked! I actually copied the name and went thourgh all the records with his name and pasted it. wow saved me a lot of time. I love this forum and the everyone who help eachother.


Further to what sneaks wrote, even if the authors look the same in endnote (i.e John, AB and John, AB ) sometimes there can be a space inserted after the initials and endnote treats this as a separate author too! took me ages to figure that one out. The cutting and pasting method suggested by sneaks would work equally well in this situation, just thought I'd post it incase anyone has a problem and when checking endnote can't see any differences in how it is inputted.

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I cannot wait until I get to the point where I decide to go through endnote and change all the references I have imported from google scholar that have put them into CAPITAL LETTERS, that will be a fun week I can tell you!