Errors in thesis ........ Help


Hi all,

I am preparing my Viva which will be held within 3 weeks. Horribly I found an error which happens in 7 equations in my thesis. The big summation sigma should starts from j=1 instead of j=0. These are just type errors, but they should make the equation logic wrong :(

I really don't know how the external examiner will do with this kind of errors :(.


simple - admit to the error at the viva and show how the work should have looked like.


Jojo is absolutely right. They may not pick up on the errors but I would prepare a revised calculation just in case. At least you can explain the mistake and show that you have thought about it etc. Examiners are human too. In fact, post viva, my internal showed me his PhD abstract and admitted that he only noticed the typo on the very first line moments before the viva! All he could do was cross it out!

Good luck, you will be fine. I found many typos in my thesis and just made sure I had noted them in case they were picked up on in the viva and obviously so I could correct them for the final version.


I've made mistakes in reports before (not got to the thesis stage yet). I've found that as long as you mention it before anyone else does, then it's OK. After all I've seen mistakes in published arteci;es, textbooks etc. It happens.


And in my responses to threads, too, it would seem That should read "articles".