from accounting auditing to statistics


hello, i will try keep it short. I study accounting and finance bachelor propably i will focus on accounting
I hope to get on big4 firms and start my ACCA for auditing purposes.
Here is the tricky part
i am thinking of doing a MS in statistics (part time, full time isnt an option) in my university (its a business school) cause i like the statistics not in theory but as an applied empirical approach.

So since i am not interested in pure finance, that way i can learn the quantitave methods while "have fun"
All that to get to the phd, i dont know if i will make it, but going on lecturer is on to do list (thats why i think about it from now) and here is the problem. I cant go full time, only part time and here, ONLY statistics offer that

So bs in accounting and ms in stats are enough for phd in stats? Also i dont want clear stats, i want applied stats in business, is that possible? So if for example my thesis is on applying stats in auditing, can i teach audit aswell?
Also, how long can a thesis of stats in general (business or theoretical) be?

thanks in advance