Giving potential PhD supervisor a nudge?


Apologies if I'm asking the obvious but still new to the niceties here...

I emailed a potential PhD supervisor a couple of weeks ago but haven't heard back yet. I realise he might have been away (though I haven't had an out of office), busy or just not interested but it would be good to know for sure, if a shame (his research area is v interesting), if he really doesn't want to take things any further.

I thought I might send a polite enquiry/reminder, but should I wait a bit longer? And what's the best way to phrase things without sounding too pushy? Not asking anyone to write an email for me but I'm never sure how 'I was wondering if you had had a chance to read my email' comes across, so if anyone has any advice on the most tactful way to nudge someone it would be appreciated - thanks!


I'd get in touch. A lot of senior staff can take a long time to reply to emails, especially if from new sources. I think the wording you suggest is probably fine. Maybe take the opportunity to add some extra detail about yourself, or emphasise how keen you are.

Also, if the Prof has a PA/secretary, consider getting in touch with them first, or copying them in. They often manage the email account.


Thanks HazyJane! Will do - good to know that I was more or less on track. I did wonder about asking to meet as I know others who have had productive meetings and really had a chance to discuss things with potential supervisors, but don't want to push it too far at this stage.


Well, in case anyone out there is in a similar position, thought I'd briefly update on what happened with this query.

Good news basically - he said 'sorry I haven't replied - go look on my website, there's a new fully funded studentship in my lab and your background seems good so I'd encourage you to apply'.

This seems like a positive result: the project is a really interesting one. No guarantees of course (and he said as much which I completely understand - he doesn't want me claiming later that I was promised a shortlist place on the basis of this email!) but I was worried after missing the ESRC deadlines that there wasn't much else out there and it was my other application or nothing. It's also nice to know that I am considered a reasonable contender for two PhDs (this one and one at my current uni where I'm doing my Masters), particularly since my background is not exactly typical (humanities undergrad, science masters, want to do science PhD) and I hadn't been sure whether this might count against me. Still might in some places but at least I've got some options!