Grant without course fees


======= Date Modified 22 57 2009 22:57:47 =======
I am new on the forum, I dont know how you run things aronnd here so forgive me if I post or ask incorrectly
I got a studentship that covers research and living costs but does not cater for my course fees. I am an overseas student and that makes the fees mind boggling (over 10k) which I cant obviously afford. Can someone advise me on how to get more funding because I dont want to let go of the opportunity. My stipend is not enough otherwise I would have gladly used it.


Unfortunately this is fairly common - International studentships often come with this caveat (living costs but not fees). Others may know of opportunities that I don't, however it is extremely unlikely that you will find additional support, although it would be beneficial to know what discipline you are in


I am in science,


I don't mean to appear rude, but 'science' is an extremely broad category that would cover a range of funding possibilities - you need to be much more specific than you have been so far. If you are that desperate for help you should be able to provide more information than 'science' - it would also help to know where you are from (your own govt may have a scheme). You should also approach the university that has offered you a place and ask if they have any institutional funding available (again for Overseas students this is rare but possible)


sorry I am in medical sciences especially tropical infectious diseases. I dont know if my government has a scheme. I have spoken to the university and apparently
they have closed most of their scholarships applications for september 09 academic year.


Try looking at the British Council website, that always seems to be the best source for funding opportunities for overseas students.