Guilty pleasures songs...


I notice on the BBC website, mention of those songs it's uncool to like, but secretly you do like. They are showing the top ten records people love but are too embarrassed to admit. ELO - Living Thing won, but I just remember this song from the end scene of Boogie Nights.

Got me thinking, what seriously uncool records do I like. Here's a few to make me blush

Rainbow - Since You've Been Gone (the last record I listened to before I went to pick up my degree result a couple of weeks ago)
S Club 7 - Bring It All Back
Atomic Kitten - Right Now
Toni Basil - Mickey
Michael Jackson - The Way You Make Me Feel
Wham - Young Guns Go For It
and for real embarrassment...
Girls Aloud - Biology

What is everyone else embarrassed to say they like (within the anonymity of this forum). Remember, it only qualifies if it is uncool.


we really need an embarrassed smiley for this thread


oh yes, and how could I forget:

Hanson = MmmmBop

I've tried to hate this record, but I can't. Damn it.


ok, I'll need 2 million embarrased smileys for this, but every time I heard Ricky Martin's living la Vida loca played on the radio, I couldn't help smiling and having an invisible dance in my mind (not so invisible if I was on my own).


sylvester, my boyfriend can't stand that mmbop song and I think, deep inside he really likes it.


Ah yes, Mr Martin, I once remember being at a wedding reception somewhere and this coming on. I hasten to add I was already on the dancefloor before it started. Tried to dance to it, couldn't get the hips going.


yes, he's in denial, like me.


I can't wait to see the replies on this thread tomorrow.


That's if anyone dare admit to any


let's hope so. Otherwise we are going to be stared at like green aliens when the forum meeting comes.


.. and I don't mean environmentalist foreigners


Or laughed out of the place. Would be a great ice breaker though.




Of course, such records making it onto my MP3 player was purely by accident, of course.


yep, I can totally understand that. When you are asleep at night, the evil-dj-owl comes and installs them.